
How do citizens from the Chinese mainland apply for foreign-related, Hong Kong or Macao-related notarization?

Updated: 2019-06-26

Citizens from the Chinese mainland who apply for foreign-related, Hong Kong or Macao-related notarization should go to the notary office in person with identity certificates (a passport or an ID card). If the applicant cannot visit the notary office for reasons including living abroad, being seriously ill or taking a business trip, relatives or friends of the applicant may be entrusted by the applicant to apply for notary.

The agent shall hold the applicant's letter of entrusting and his/her own ID card. A letter of identification from the human resources department (the personnel organization, the labor and management department, or the talent exchange center) of the employer shall be submitted. For the details of the letter, please refer to the sample of the identification letter. The following materials are also required:

1. To apply for birth notarization, the original residence booklet and a copy of it, or a certificate of household registration issued by a police station, shall be submitted. A number of photographs are required for a birth certificate used in the United States and Thailand.

2. To apply for marriage notarization, a marriage certificate and a number of copies shall be provided. Those who have lost their marriage certificates should apply to the original registration authority for a replacement certificate.

3. To apply for divorce notarization, a divorce certificate (mediation documents or the judgment) and a copy shall be provided. Those who have lost their divorce certificates should apply to the original registration authority for a replacement certificate or corresponding supporting materials.

4. To apply for a notarized certificate of experience, those with corresponding qualification certificates (certificates of engineers, accountants, chefs, etc.) shall provide the original and a copy of the certificate; those who do not have the qualification certificates shall indicate in the letter of identification their positions or main job responsibilities and provide two-inch bareheaded photos.

5. To apply for a notarized certificate of relationship with a foreign relative, a recent letter from the foreign relative should be provided; to apply for a certificate of domestic family kinship, a household register or other relevant supporting materials should be provided.

6. To apply for a notarized academic certificate (degree certificate or academic achievement certificate), the diploma, degree certificate or academic transcript and a number of copies should be provided. Those who have lost the original documents shall apply to the original school from which the applicant graduated for a replacement certificate or corresponding supporting materials.

7. To apply for a notarized death certificate, a death certificate issued by a police station or proof of materials provided by other relevant agencies (hospitals, railway, or transportation or civil aviation authority) should be submitted.