The Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region's Department of Justice has been enhancing the region's foreign-related legal capabilities to support the development of the core area of the Belt and Road Initiative.
The education of foreign-related legal talent will be further strengthened, as schools, judicial departments and enterprises have decided to join hands to increase efforts in this field, officials said.
In recent years, China's notary institutions have deepened international cooperation to assist enterprises in going global, enhance their international competitiveness, and safeguard their rights and interests.
South China's Guangdong province advances foreign-related rule of law to support enterprises' overseas expansion through multi-faceted efforts.
The Belt and Road International Lawyers Association Harbin Center opened a new office for cooperation projects in Heihe, Northeast China's Heilongjiang province, on Dec 4.
An advanced training program for officials from the justice ministries of countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative was recently held in Northwest China's Gansu province.
From Sept 2 to 6, the Office of the Commission for Overall Law-Based Governance of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the Ministry of Justice held the first concentrated training session for officials in foreign-related rule of law.
Recently, six students participating in the "2024 Summer Attachment Programme for Hong Kong Law Students in the Mainland" visited the Ministry of Justice in Beijing.
The Justice Department of Northwest China's Shaanxi province has established an office of foreign-related rule of law, part of its efforts to advance work in this field.
In recent years, Northwest China's Shaanxi province has intensified its efforts to strengthen talent cultivation for foreign-related legal services.
With the settlement of more and more renowned domestic and international legal service institutions in the BRDZ-ICLS,China's Shaanxi province has gradually realized its vision of becoming a highland of international commercial legal services.
In recent years, the justice department of China's Heilongjiang province has adopted a series of innovative measures to facilitate the development of the Belt and Road International Lawyers Association, and steadily advance foreign-related rule of law.
Ministry of Justice of the
People's Republic of China