The judicial department of Dalian recently launched an information command center in the hope of mediating disputes for the public more efficiently.
Beijing has announced a set of six measures to create a favorable environment for the development of its legal service industry.
The reoffending rate of criminals under community correction in Shanghai fell to 0.09 percent last year, much lower than the national average of 0.2 percent, the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Justice said recently.
Changzhou in East China's Jiangsu province has applied the system of notification-commitment to over 11,800 cases since it started piloting it in 2019.
Vice-Minister of Justice Xiong Xuanguo called for an overall promotion of "smart rule of law" by increasing technological application to the initiative on July 27.
Shenzhen recently launched a smart judicial authentication regulation platform in a bid to further integrate information technology with judicial administration work.
People's assessors across China have attended over 1.55 million criminal trials, 7.12 million civil trials and 649,000 administrative trials since the implementation of the Law on People's Assessors in April 2018.
The Ministry of Justice has issued five guiding cases on legal aid.
The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment are now jointly formulating an interim regulation on the management of carbon emission rights trading.
Shandong province has released a range of measures for cultivating the rule of law culture.
China currently has about 316,000 people's assessors, a roughly 50 percent increase since the Law on People's Assessors took effect in April 2018.
The Ministry of Justice has released five guiding cases on drug rehabilitation.
Ministry of Justice of the
People's Republic of China